Potrivit unui studiu efectuat pe parcursul a 10 ani, cu 130.000 de profesioniști, mezelurile cresc riscul de demență cu 14%. Fanii sandvișurilor și al platourilor cu mezeluri nu ar trebui să se îngrijoreze prea tare, în cazul în care consumă moderat. Dar carnea roșie procesată, consumată excesiv, poate îmbolnăvi creierul, potrivit studiilor medicale efectuate de Harvard, […]
This article states that excessive consumption of processed meats like sausage, pate, and salami significantly increases the risk of dementia, according to a 10-year Harvard study involving 130,000 professionals.
Key takeaways:
* Moderation is key: Consuming up to two servings of processed meats per week is linked to a higher risk of neurological issues.
* Processed vs. unprocessed: The study focuses on processed meats, not unprocessed red meat like steaks or chops.
* Healthy alternatives: Replacing processed meats with plant-based options like tofu, soy, nuts, or beans can lower dementia risk by 23%.
* Other health concerns: Continued research shows a connection between processed meat consumption and cancer and neuron damage.
Essentially, the article highlights the detrimental effects of excessive processed meat consumption on brain health and suggests healthier alternatives to mitigate these risks.
This article states that excessive consumption of processed meats like sausage, pate, and salami significantly increases the risk of dementia, according to a 10-year Harvard study involving 130,000 professionals. Key takeaways: * Moderation is key: Consuming up to two servings of processed meats per week is linked to a higher risk of neurological issues. * Processed vs. unprocessed: The study focuses on processed meats, not unprocessed red meat like steaks or chops. * Healthy alternatives: Replacing processed meats with plant-based options like tofu, soy, nuts, or beans can lower dementia risk by 23%. * Other health concerns: Continued research shows a connection between processed meat consumption and cancer and neuron damage. Essentially, the article highlights the detrimental effects of excessive processed meat consumption on brain health and suggests healthier alternatives to mitigate these risks.